We want to know:
Workplace name
Total number of staff
Employer type
Main care service provided
Other care services provided
Service capacity
Service users
Current vacancies
Starters (in the last 12 months)
Leavers (in the last 12 months)
Advertising spend (in the last 4 weeks)
People interviewed for care worker roles (in the last 4
Repeat training for care workers
Care certificate accepted from a previous employer
Cash loyalty bonus for care workers
Pay care workers more than statutory sick pay
Pension contribution to care workers
Number of days leave for care workers
sharing with CQC and local authorities
This information will indicate the number of employers in the social care sector. This may have a direct influence on attracting resources to support the skills agenda in social care.
What is the definition of a "workplace"?
A workplace is defined as a single location (even if it comprises more than one building) at which care is provided or from which it is organised.
Why this level?
The data is collected at workplace level for three main reasons:
- For CQC registered providers, it is the level at which workforce information needs to be provided for inspection and assessment purposes.
- For all providers, it is the level at which workforce development initiatives can best be introduced and evaluated.
- It is the best level for comparability with other data sources and for production of reliable statistics at local, regional and national level.
For multi-unit employers, the way in which each workplace is completed is a choice to be made by each multi-unit employer. It can either be completed by the Manager or relevant staff at workplace level, or it can be completed by the parent organisation, e.g. at head office. However, we recommend that, however it is completed, the information is made available to appropriate workplace - level Managers/staff so that they can update their records as staff join, leave, train and obtain qualifications, and use the information in other ways.